NEXT AVENUE Carol Milberger NEXT AVENUE Carol Milberger

Body Donation: My Mother’s Thoughtful Legacy

Mom's long flowered skirts, leather sandals and single long braid gave her a 1960's-style authentic vibe that has mostly disappeared from this country's landscape. While her ability to enjoy tent camping, garage sales, coupon-clipping and crafting faded in her later years, her core values did not. She remained practical, thoughtful and thrifty until leaving this world at 95 years old.

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WIRED Carol Milberger WIRED Carol Milberger

The Best Continuous Glucose Monitors

Continuous glucose monitors, or CGMs, are an excellent way for people with diabetes or prediabetes to manage their condition. We tested some of the leading models to see which is best for you.

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EAT DARLING EAT Carol Milberger EAT DARLING EAT Carol Milberger

Sales, Coupons, and Specials

Like my quiche full of leftover vegetable bits, there are bits of truth in most every practice. I hope to reintegrate this wisdom—Mom’s gift—and bring more balance into my life. A bit of nutrition for the body, a bit of time for each other, and some energy to take care of ourselves.

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