Thinking of Sending That Quick 'Love You' Text? Just Do It
WIRED November 29, 2021
Even one message can mean a lot to your family and friends.
AS MY SON prepared to leave home for coding boot camp five years ago, I worried his communication style wouldn’t match my need for updates. I didn’t want to badger Justin (not his real name) but needed to know he was OK living over a thousand miles away. Before he left, I requested a weekly update via phone, email, or text. Justin selected texting.
The use of short written notes isn’t new. Folded notes traveled in batonlike fashion across rows of nonchalant students for generations. Then, almost overnight, handwritten notes were replaced by electronic messages. Social engagements, errands, lists, and countless updates travel faster, farther, and more frequently via text. Text messaging is the most widely used smartphone feature, so it wasn’t surprising that Justin chose this communication method.
As I watched him pass through airport security with a backpack and no checked luggage, I drew comfort knowing I'd receive an arrival message followed by weekly updates. As time went on, interview preparation and first-job bulletins were traded for garden and family summaries, while workout, diet, and pandemic news flowed in both directions. Justin flew home, and my husband and I visited, but my son's texts were as important as the visits—at least to me. Over the years, we've probably shared as much by writing as if we'd managed to talk weekly.