Three Detoxing Favorites
MY MYCOTOXIN TEST RESULTS ARE NORMAL! My detoxing effort and healthy lifestyle removed Ochratoxin A (toxic mold tied to kidney disease, Alzheimer’s & Parkinson’s disease) from my body. I’m glad to be mold-free on the inside!
Detoxing is still an important part of my healthy lifestyle. Most of us are exposed to chemicals, preservatives, metals, and even mycotoxins. I want to continue removing oxidative damage from my brain and body.
Here are three detoxing favorites.

My Detoxing Journey
WHY DO I WRITE ABOUT TOXIC mold? After all, we left our moldy home over twenty years ago.
I write to raise awareness.
I write to support those facing toxic mold today.
And I write to document how difficult it was to recover my health and wellness after our experience.

Testing Report
THAT NIGHT I REVIEWED OUR TESTING REPORT and remediation plan. Wayne and I were extremely concerned with the report.
Not because we had toxic mold, we already knew that.

Heavenly Bed & Breakfast
LESS THAN ONE MONTH AFTER THE RAIN, our insurance adjuster said we needed to evacuate immediately; our house was unsafe for human habitation.
Professional test results revealed that our house was contaminated with toxic mold.

Ordered to Evacuate
LESS THAN ONE MONTH AFTER THE RAIN, our insurance adjuster said we needed to evacuate immediately; our house was unsafe for human habitation.
Professional test results revealed that our house was contaminated with toxic mold.

Jell-O Air
I ASSUMED THE MOLD problem would disappear once the offending shower was gone. The terrible odor would disappear and Wayne and I would be able to concentrate again. Life would return to normal.
But it didn’t.

Couldn’t Sleep in Our Bedrooms
WITHIN TWO DAYS OF THE RAIN, our bathroom smelled terrible ─ like damp socks left in a duffle bag in the trunk of a car all summer.
My husband pulled sheetrock off the side of the shower wall, then discovered black mold. He removed more of the shower wall. The smell didn’t improve. We called our insurance agent.

The Big Rain
TWENTY-TWO YEARS AGO TODAY, I knew nothing about toxic mold.
All I knew was that toxic mold was bad.
I thought mold only happened to people who didn’t maintain their homes ─